Wednesday, December 16, 2009

exhibit A: i was pondering some little inklings whilst in the shower a very few moments ago when just so happened to find its way to the fore of my conscious mind THIS gem as follows: buy a new sketchbook and start drawing on the LAST page. fill up the book one page at a time in the consecutive order in which the book was bound and meticulously date each and every item.

having noticed recently that within the last few months my drawing and writing style has changed considerably, i feel it a worthy endeavour to document and better asess this newfound phenomenon.

by beginning a sketchbook from the back to front, i can more easily go BACK in time from the current, which seems much more logical than picking an arbitrary point in the past and navigating ones way to the present.

exhibit B: by choosing differing methods of expressing through words, it seems or rather FEELS that corresponding yet altogether different portions of my brain/heart seem to be behind the wheel so to speak. it is a very odd, at times frustrating and ultimately an unique experience. after writing longhand in cursive and otherwise, typing via a computer, and now the thought of throwing a typewriter into the mix may be much too much for my mind to handle at this particular juncture.

but lets see where it may go.


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