Monday, April 19, 2010

while the eye of distraction & glimmering lights
kept you up undreaming through long, cold nights
did you ever stop to wonder or entertain the thought
you arent the victim arent the target of some faraway plot
as the curtain falls to dress the naked floor
opens for the young man a bare & shivering door
in a scarlet flowing river comes a rush of blood
within his hands as they reach begins the mighty flood
the burden of stale memory & tales untold
brings roving minds & hungry hearts back into the fold
under greedy watchful eyes & a heavy hand
driven from greener pastures to some desolate land
bare teeth grimaced scraping arid earth
seeking high searching low never what its worth
but if you fall out of line & turn your head to the sky
an empty void stares back without telling you why
breathe deep the dust from a thousand souls dead
all the while widens deeper the chasm in your head
high above in wooden towers climbs on cobbled feet
far below gazes at rain damp & dirty streets


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